Redefining Kitchen Refinishing in New Jersey Featuring a Kitchen Refinished With Milesi Wood Coatings Tinted to Sherwin Williams Neutral Ground and SW Avocado

Welcome to Grace on Broadway, where we dive into the world of professional kitchen cabinet and furniture refinishing!

Are you ready to transform your kitchen into a space of timeless beauty and sophistication? Look no further than Grace on Broadway, the premier refinishing company located in New Jersey.

With our exceptional craftsmanship and dedication to excellence, Grace on Broadway brings your dream kitchen to life. Let us explore the perks of choosing Grace on Broadway and delve into a stunning kitchen they recently refinished. With Milesi Wood Coatings tinted to Sherwin Williams Neutral Ground for the top cabinets and SW Avocado for the bottom cabinets and kitchen island, along with our professional-grade tools—SurfPrep Sanders, Apollo Sprayers HVLP systems, and PaintLine drying racks—Grace on Broadway delivers impeccable results that will surpass your expectations.


Project Details
  • We used Milesi Wood Coatings tinted to Sherwin Williams Neutral Ground. (Such a gorgeous soft white.)
  • The Lowers are tinted to SW Avacado🥑
  • Everything was sanded with our SurfPrep Sanding 
  • Everything was sprayed onsite with our Apollo Sprayers HVLP

  • Timeless Beauty with Milesi Wood Coatings: Grace on Broadway understands the importance of selecting high-quality coatings. With Milesi Wood Coatings tinted to Sherwin Williams Neutral Ground and SW Avocado, we refinished a kitchen that exudes timeless elegance. The top cabinets coated in Sherwin Williams Neutral Ground emanate sophistication, while the bottom cabinets and kitchen island tinted with SW Avocado bring a touch of personality and vibrancy. Milesi Wood Coatings ensure not only stunning visual appeal but also exceptional durability, guaranteeing a lasting finish that stands up to daily use.

  • Expert Craftsmanship with Professional Tools: Grace on Broadway's commitment to excellence is evident in their use of professional-grade tools. The SurfPrep Sanders play a crucial role in achieving a smooth and flawless surface for the application of the wood coatings. This precise and efficient sanding ensures an optimal foundation for the refinishing process. With Apollo Sprayers HVLP systems, Grace on Broadway achieves an even and high-quality spray application, bringing out the true beauty of the chosen colors. Finally, the PaintLine drying racks provide a controlled environment for cabinet paint drying, resulting in a flawless and durable finish. With these tools, Grace on Broadway consistently delivers impeccable results.

  • Attention to Detail Ensuring Customer Satisfaction: Grace on Broadway prides itself on its meticulous attention to detail and prioritizes customer satisfaction above all else. From the initial consultation to the final reveal, our team of skilled professionals carefully executes each step of the refinishing process. Whether it's surface preparation, precise application of the wood coatings, or final touches, every detail is thoughtfully addressed. The result is a kitchen that exudes beauty and reflects your unique style and preferences. Grace on Broadway's commitment to perfection ensures your satisfaction with the end result.

  • Personalized Service and Collaborative Approach: At Grace on Broadway, your vision matters. We offer a personalized consultation where they listen attentively to your design preferences and aspirations. With our collaborative approach, we'll work closely with you to select the ideal colors and finishes for your top cabinets, bottom cabinets, and kitchen island. Grace on Broadway understands that every kitchen is unique, and they tailor their refinishing process to suit your specific needs. Your dream kitchen becomes a collaborative creation that exceeds your expectations.

  • Trusted and Tested Refinishing Experts in New Jersey: Located in New Jersey, Grace on Broadway is your local refinishing expert. We understand the region's diverse tastes and styles, allowing them to provide tailored refinishing solutions that perfectly align with your home's aesthetic. As a local company, Grace on Broadway is committed to building long-lasting relationships with their clients and providing exceptional service that goes above and beyond.


Grace on Broadway is the go-to refinishing company in New Jersey, offering exceptional craftsmanship, attention to detail, and a commitment to perfection. With our use of Wood Coatings, coupled with their professional-grade tools, they bring your dream kitchen or furniture to life.

Experience our personalized service, collaborative approach, and local expertise as they elevate your kitchen to new heights of beauty.

Contact Grace on Broadway today and embark on a refined journey towards a kitchen that truly reflects your style and vision.

Book your FREE consultation for your kitchen or furniture refinishing at our booking page. You can also check us out on Youtube to learn more about different D.I.Y arts and crafts like decoupage, stenciling, transfers, refinishing and many more! 
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Now, see every bit of tips in action from these before, during, and after refinishing images to have an idea on how professionals do it.